Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My two FAVORITE kiddo's

Maelle and mommy playing in a store

Ma belle Princesse Maelle

Maelle in Easter Bunny
My Super Star!

My daughter Maelle is not so little anymore... She is a big girl! When I tell her that she is my baby she is quick to correct me and tell me "no mama Emeth is your baby".

Maelle and baby Craig
Maelle at the farm... Her favorite place to be

She wakes up singing and in no time is in her brother's bed... she is ALWAYS kissing him or he is kissing her, I'm not really sure. They love each other so much and I can already tell you that they will be BEST FRIENDS
Maelle and Emeth watching TV
Just woke up and so happy
Playing "together"... Maelle took all the figurines/toys on her side :-)
Emeth not going fast enough for his sister Maelle
My son Emeth could break his neck trying to follow his sister. He truly admires her. He follows her with his eyes, left, right, front or back. He laughs OUT LOUD everytimes she gives him a little bit of attention or when he is trying to get her attention.
Away for two minutes enough time for Emeth to finish Maelle's breakfast

Maelle is a very intelligent young girl. She speaks fluently french and dutch and understands when Ferdi and I speak in english... We re so proud of her. Every nights she helps me fix dinner and helps her dad with the dishes.
Sitting on the kitchen counter Maelle is baking with mommy
Maelle FIRST art exposition
Now all Maelle's art is exposed in our living room
Emeth is our joy... Whatever you do to him he will laugh about it. He has the cutest face with his "one tiny and a half tooth smile"...
He loves to pull himself up... He does it and get stuck which is really funny...

Well for all my family and friends around the world I thought I should download some pictures to keep you up to date with Maelle and Emeth who are my TWO favorite kiddos EVER

For the past months, I have been intentional about telling them how much I love and care for them... I make sure to spend quality time and cover them with tones of kisses EVERYDAY... I was listening a series called "30 days to live" and walk away convinced that life is way to short to fight over things that do not matter... Maelle not eating her whole plate of food or whatever else
I want to leave you with this verse of the BIBLE in James 4:14
"you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away"

Please take a moment TODAY to LOVE on your kids... ...Tomorrow may NOT be there!

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